Bamboo Resources and Products
Bamboo Resources and Products

Why Bamboo?

Bamboo is the most sustainable material on the planet. Thanks to its rapid growth (up to a meter per day) and enormous carbon sequestration capacity, superior to any other plant species. Its exceptional resistance, combined with flexibility, makes bamboo an excellent choice for any construction use. Besides, every day arouses more interest among those who prefer nature-based solutions and value bamboo’s unique beauty. Its grain formation added unique colors to its beauty. It has more tensile strength than steel.

Bamboo Resources and Products

In Bans Hub, we firmly believe it is the material of the future.

By promoting its use, we will contribute to improving the social, cultural, and financial status of different stakeholders like farmers, growers, nursery people, entrepreneurs, traditional bamboo craft men, interior designers, architects, and other nature-loving persons. We provide quality of life to all citizens in general, creating healthier habitats for Bamboo user society. Due to new treatment methods and the combination with engineering, more ambitious long-term projects are possible, and large-scale sustainable businesses, based on the bamboo economy.

How Can Bamboo Contribute to Climate Change Mitigation?
Bamboo Resources and Products

Bamboos have standard photosynthetic capacities, so their main advantage for mitigating climate change lies in their fast biomass generation and renewability. As bamboo can be harvested regularly, many durable products are being created that store carbon over their lifetime, in addition to the carbon stored in the plant itself.

Bamboo Resources and Products

On the other hand, bamboo can replace many materials with high carbon emissions, such as PVC, steel, and concrete, and also reduces pressure on the use of forest timber resources. Indeed, bamboo products can have a low or even negative carbon footprint across their lifecycle. In conclusion, bamboo is an outstanding tool to fight global climate change and contributes to the achievement of SDGs, Agenda 2030, and the Paris Agreement.